
ipq23.JPG (10984 bytes)

i decorated ipq with brass rings in the 'eyeball' position

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this is a necklace made out of 3/32" ID 20 ga and 2mm id jump rings.  there are 888 rings in this piece.

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this was the seconde hand flower i finished..  it resides in ohio.

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oriental handflower..hopefully i will get all of these modeled by my sister..   they are not totally finished yet.

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using the expanding id method..  23 rings per row..  5 rows..  it deforms if you continue at 1/32 intervals..  this ting and the one below are not pictured in the set of 3..  cause i forgot my pliers when i wen tot take the picture ..  and i'm lazy:)

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the lower black chain, each will be cut in half..  most likely. and goes strait back..connecting to the bracelet above the wrist..   and the persian (made of 5/32 id 20 ga) connects below the wrisdt..about where the clasp is..(the bracelet will be euro 6-1 1/4" id 17 ga  this is also a section of oriental 5-1..



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3/16 id brass.. these could also be used wiht the handflowers...


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This was the first bracelet I made.

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This is a choker I made for my friend Coleen.  I just love the persian weave.

This is European 6 in 1 and Full persian.


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This is the first piece of chain I owned.   I recieved the idiot trap chain from my bro, Blackfang.  I added the triangles and kings' braid later.


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This is my baby.  The basic piece is called Eye Period Questionmark.  The 'u' in Questionmark is optional.

see the contruction of this weave here



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8 in 1 in the center, fading to a 6 in 1. 

The center is (outside) brass with an ID of somewhere between 1/2" and 1" (I forget) and (inside) copper with an ID of 3/8"

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the front                                                                             the back


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more rings..  i finially made one wiht no steel border..  i think i like the border..  it give it a little barrier..  visual barrier..

just playing with different designs

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a couple rings i made..  5/32"  ID 17 gauge..  the second has brass and copper

the steel one wqas my first..  der

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this ring is lined in kingsmail of 20ga black...  i was attempting to make it look like a heart of brass, but its hard to make good curves with small sections of 4 in 1..   oh well, it's cool anyway.