this is a musical instrument shaker thing.. the head will be attached the other way, but i didn't do it cause i was sort of in a hurry.
a candle holder.. looks better with a candle in it.. stole the idea from
intsy winsy.. sorry you cna't see it too well.. i just had to show off. oh yea and that's a nickel.
this is a true 4 in 1 cube. if you look down in the 4 holes, you can see another ring in there.. this one is 7/32" 17ga galv.. nice structure. it makes a more solid cube with 1 ring size.. in the past my cubes have been 2 ring sizes cause i wanted them to be more solid and this fixes that, without crowding. now i just need to make a true 6 in 1 ball...
a copper basket.. can't put a lip on it, as the 8 in 1 is too dense
the hat i made in michigan / ohio i'm going to line the inside with cloth so it doens't pull hair. made from aluminum
my tweeezer mail.. the little 14 ring section of idoit trap is out of the smallest rings i've used. the long chain in the center was made with pliers, it's 3/32 22ga idoit trap and it's the only piece of chainmail i do (or have ever) worn on a daily basis.. often i forget i'm wearing it it's so soft.
an aluminum pouch.. it gave me the idea for the hat
the turtle i made for my sister.. ain't it cute.
a chain variation of a mobius ball
a persian with the grain going the same way.. as opposed to the traditional opposite directions.. is more dense than standard persian.. 19ga 1/4"ID is dense.. to dense to be practical.. (what this is made from)
19ga copper i found at a construction site.. using stuff is cool..
wasting sutff sucks.. 1/8" idoit trap and 7/32" persian
friend of mine, artmaiden pointed out that a ring is off in the persian
bracelet. i'll have to fix that when i see it next.
i gave this bottle to my mom for mothers day.. it's the finished product of one already posted.. (it was posted months ago.. many many months ago..)
i also took pics of a mobius ball.. the real mobius ball..
but i am going to ask the person who owns the patent before i post it..
but i do have the pic.. it contains a 14ga 1/2" ID ring completed
mobius ball.. and a half finished 1 1/2 or 2" ID 14ga aluminum
mobius ball..