Body Pieces
this is a belt i made i had on eof me wearing it.. but it got defunkt in the journey on the disk,.. when it is worn it keeps it's cylindrical shape.. it i s 8 rows around.. the tounge as a clasp worked well.. if i twist the tounge a quarter turn it works better tho... (how i used to have it..)
this mantle was made starting at a 3/16 id 17 ga ring.. and where i have it worked till now is 5/16 id 16 ga.. there are 140 rings in each row.
This was made by request of my bro pete, here.
It is an arm/shoulder hangie do thing. He wanted it that way. It's 99.23517% finished.
European 4 in 1 seperated every 30 or so rows with an Oriental 6 in 1 - 1/4" ID
The model here is my bro, Pete. Notice the tat on his arm that says 'all is one'? That's something.. He makes music, and produces CDs on his computer. And plays all the instruments, he's a hip cat.
this is the begining of a dress I'm making for my sister.. it's framed in galvanized steel, and the body of it is made of aluminum. there will be strips of galvanized put through the body of it, for strength..
i get a little silly when i wear dresses... umm.. it's grown, i have to use bigger rings now so it fits her hips better.....
the before and after of a bra.... the triangles in pic one are the cups... i'll talk about this peice later... i have a lot to say and am talking to my friend in ohio..:)
k, this piece is finished and sold now...whenever i develop my film this area will havea major update... i had to do a lot to this piece.. the triangle that needs to be filled in tward the center of the cup, the rings need to be much smaller than the rings used to construct the piece.. 1/4" rings were used for the body of it, and 3/16" for the underpart of the cup.. i used small rings to add ension to the inside edge of the cup (it was sagging...the chainmail, not the girl) i made a better clasp.. i'll get a pic up eventually of the clasp design i'm using.. i had a lot of fun making this piece... i learned a lot.. i have a second one floating around, i may or may nor get a pic up, it's basicially the same as this one, but it has some kickass idiot trap chains on it, made of copper, black and brass.....
Same model.
Fingers - 3/16" ID 4 in 1. The rest is 6 in 1.
This is VERY unfinished. I want to extend them to below the elbow and throw in some kings mail.
The rings are 3/8" ID and 14 gauge wire.
This is a section of a shirt I started. 4 in 1 - 1/4" ID.
I have another section half as large.
Those two would make the front...or back, doesn't really matter, yet does it?
a hand thing. Something to note about this is the closures.. They are very clean. I cut them with these scissors that pissed me off, cause they hurt my hands. I refuse to use them now.
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